## version $VER: FlexCat.catalog 2.0 ($TODAY) ## language hrvatski ## codeset 0 msgMemoryError Nema Memorije! ;Out of memory! ;Warning messagemust contain one %s (file), one %d (line number) ;DON'T EAT THE TRAILING SPACE HERE! msgWarning %s, Linija %d; pa nja: ;%s, Line %d; warning: ;Warning message: Expected hex character. msgExpectedHex ekivan hex znak (jedan od [0-9a-fA-F]). ;Expected hex character (one of [0-9a-fA-F]). ;Warning message: Expected octal character. msgExpectedOctal ekivan oktalni znak (jedan od [0-7]). ;Expected octal character (one of [0-7]). ;Error message: Cannot open catalog descriptionmust contain one %s ;(file name) msgNoCatalogDescription Ne mogu otvoriti opis kataloga %s. ;Cannot open catalog description %s. ;Warning message: Too much Lengthbytesmust contain one %d (maximum). msgNoLengthBytes ina Bajta >%d (veli ina dugog) nije mogu ;LengthBytes > %d (sizeof long) not possible. ;Warning message: Unknown catalog description command. msgUnknownCDCommand Nepoznata zapovjed opisa kataloga ;Unknown catalog description command ;Warning message: Unexpected blank. msgUnexpectedBlanks ekivana praznina. ;Unexpected blanks. ;Warning message: Identifier expected. msgNoIdentifier Nedostaje identifikator ;Missing identifier. ;Warning message: '(' expected. msgNoLeadingBracket Nedostaje '('. ;Missing '('. ;Warning message: Identifier number redeclared. msgDoubleID ID broj upotrebljen dvaput. ;ID number used twice. ;Warning message: Identifier redeclared. msgDoubleIdentifier Identifikator upotrebljen opet. ;Identifier redeclared. ;Warning message: '/' expected (MinLen). msgNoMinLen ekivana MinDu (znak '/'). ;Expected MinLen (character '/'). ;Warning message: '/' expected (MaxLen). msgNoMaxLen ekivana MaxDu (znak '/'). ;Expected MaxLen (character '/'). ;Warning message: ')' expected. msgNoTrailingBracket ekivan ')'. ;Expected ')'. ;Warning message: Extra characters msgExtraCharacters Znak vi ka na kraju linije. ;Extra characters at the end of the line. ;Warning message: Missing catalog string msgNoString ekivan kraj datoteke (nedostaje pojam kataloga). ;Unexpected end of file (missing catalog string). ;Warning message: String too short. msgShortString Pojam prekratak. ;String too short. ;Warning message: String too long. msgLongString Pojam preduga ;String too long. ;Error message: No catalog translation filemust contain one %s (file ;name). msgNoCatalogTranslation Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku prijevoda kataloga %s. ;Cannot open catalog translation file %s. ;Warning message: Missing catalog translation command. msgNoCTCommand Nedostaje zapovjed prijevoda kataloga. (O ekivan je su dva '#'.) ;Missing catalog translation command. (Expected second '#'.) ;Warning message: Unknown catalog translation command. msgUnknownCTCommand Nepoznata zapovjed prijevoda kataloga. ;Unknown catalog translation command. ;Error message: Missing catalog translation version. msgNoCTVersion Nedostaje ina ica prijevoda kataloga; upotrijebite ##version\nili ##rcsid i ##name. ;Missing catalog translation version; use either ##version ;or ##rcsid and ##name. ;Error message: Missing catalog translation language. msgNoCTLanguage Nedostaje ime prijevoda kataloga. ;Missing catalog translation language. ;Error message: Cannot open catalog file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoCatalog Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku kataloga %s. ;Cannot open catalog file %s. ;Error message: Cannot create catalog translation file. Must contain ;one %s (file name). msgNoNewCTFile Ne mogu kreirati datoteku prijevoda kataloga %s. ;Cannot create catalog translation file %s. ;Warning message: Unknown identifier. Must contain one %s (identifier). msgUnknownIdentifier %s nedostaje u opisu kataloga. ;%s missing in catalog description. ;Error message: No source description file. Must contain one %s (file ;name). msgNoSourceDescription Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku izvornog opisa %s. ;Cannot open source description file %s. ;Error message: No source file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoSource Ne mogu otvoriti izvornu datoteku %s. ;Cannot open source file %s. ;Warning message: Unknown string type msgUnknownStringType Nepoznati oblik pojma. ;Unknown string type. ;Warning message: Missing trailing ')' in %(..). msgNoTerminateBracket ekivan kraj linije. (Nedostaje ')') ;Unexpected end of line. (Missing ')') ;Usage message msgUsage CDFILE Datoteka opisa kataloga za pretra ivanje\n CTFILE Datoteka prijevoda kataloga za pretra ivanje\n CATALOG Datoteka kataloga za stvoriti\n NEWCTFILE Datoteka prijevoda kataloga za stvoriti\n SOURCES Soursovi za kreirati; mora biti ne to kao sfile=sdfile,\n gdje sfile je izvorna datoteka a sdfile je izvorna\n datoteka opisa\n WARNCTGAPS Simboli upozorenjau CT datoteci\n NOOPTIM Ne preskakuj nepromjenjene pojmove (jednake u #?.cd i #?.ct)\n FILL Koristi tekst opisa ako prijevod nedostaje\n FLUSH O isti memoriju kada je katalog napisan\n NOBEEP Onemogu uje DisplayBeep()'s pri gre kama i upozorenjima\n QUIET Onemogu uje poruke upozorenja ; CDFILE Catalog description file to scan ; CTFILE Catalog translation file to scan ; CATALOG Catalog file to create ; NEWCTFILE Catalog translation file to create ; SOURCES Sources to create; must be something like sfile=sdfile, ; where sfile is a sourcefile and sdfile is a source ; description file ; WARNCTGAPS Warn symbols missing in CT file ; NOOPTIM Do not skip unchanged strings (equal in both #?.cd and #?.ct) ; FILL Use descriptor texts if translation are missing ; FLUSH Flush memory when catalog is written ; NOBEEP Suppress DisplayBeep()'s on error and warnings ; QUIET Suppress warning messages ;Error message: No catalog translation argument msgNoCTArgument Stvaranje katalga iziskuje datoteku prijevoda kao argument.\n ;Creating a catalog needs a catalog translation file as argument. ;Warning message: No binary characters. msgNoBinChars Binarni znak i ispisu pojma Ni ;Binary characters in stringtype None. ;Warning message: Gap in CT file. msgCTGap ID %s nedostaje u CT datoteci. ;ID %s missing in CT file. ;Warning: Catalog language declared twice msgDoubleCTLanguage Jezik kataloga odre en dvaput. ;Catalog language declared twice. ;Warning: Catalog version declared twice msgDoubleCTVersion ica kataloga odre ena dvaput. ;Catalog version declared twice. ;Warning: Wrong Rcs ID msgWrongRcsId an rcs ID (mora biti sli an\n'$Date: yy/mm/dd$ $Revision: vv.rr$') ;Incorrect rcs ID (must be similar to ;'$Date: yy/mm/dd$ $Revision: vv.rr$') ;NEW IN 1.9 msgUsageHead tenje ;Usage msgPrefsError ka pri obradi FlexCat.prefs varijable, vra am vrijednosti na ugra ene.\nOblik postavki: ;Error processing FlexCat.prefs variable, falling back to defaults. ;Preferences template: ;NEW IN 2.0 ;NOTE: This string is concatenated with msgUsage, so make sure you ;indented it the same way etc. And DON'T MISS trailing LF here! ;Type FLEXCAT and check how it looks. msgUsage_2 NOLANGTOLOWER Sprije ava #language ime od smanjenja slova naziva\n NOBUFFEREDIO Gasi IO spremnike\n MODIFIED Kreira katalog samo kada su #?.c(d|t) datoteke promjenjene ; NOLANGTOLOWER Prevents #language name from being lowercased ; NOBUFFEREDIO Disables IO buffers ; MODIFIED Creates the catalog only when #?.c(d|t) files were changed ;NEW IN 2.0 msgUpToDate Datoteka %s je do datuma ;File %s is up to date msgCantCheckDate Ne mogu odrediti od kada je %s ;Cannot get the datestamp of %s